Anyway, we seem to be getting along pretty well most of the time, but at other times he seems to be paying more attention to another one of the girls. I confront him about it, and all he does is give me some explanation about “not hurting anybody” or something along those lines. It’s REALLY frustrating sometimes. What really gets me is that I can’t get a straight answer from him about whether he likes me or not. Whenever I try to get something out of him, something weird happens, or one of those other girls conveniently buts in before we get anywhere.
I’m not really sure what I’m doing in this situation. I mean, part of me really likes the guy. We met in one of our classes, and then we really hit it off. On the other hand, he seems to be that way with a lot of other girls. It makes me so mad. Sometimes I want to go off and find somebody else, at other times I want to force him to commit to me somehow.
What do you think I should do?
Anonymous harem girl
Dear Anonymous harem girl,
Well, it looks like you’re in a bit of a rut. Frankly, it looks like the guy doesn’t care about you enough, and lacks the spinal column to commit. Do you really want to go about your life competing for attention with three other girls, just because he doesn’t want to “hurt” anybody? If he won’t commit now, what makes you think you will ever convince him to commit to you? Obviously, you have more invested in him than he has invested in you, so why do you keep going to him? I know every guy dreams of having his own harem of girls fawning over him, but what do they get in return? Is the guy really THAT great? I think not. I know you could do better than this guy. Like me. I don’t have no harem, and I’m more than enough man for you *starts sparkling like Armstrong*
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Next Letter: How to get my Boyfriend to stop watching anime
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Next Letter: How to get my Boyfriend to stop watching anime
Related Stuff:
School days review
Being the male lead in a slapstick comedy is painful