Sunday, August 8, 2010

Do skills learned in dating sims transfer to real life?

Dear BryAnime,

Hello, I’m about 15 and about to get into some serious dating, but I feel nervous. I’ve been practicing my skills a lot with some Ren’nai games that I torrented (hey, they aren’t allowed to sell those to minors, lol.) and I’m pretty sure I know what to do.

Hypothetically, I’m supposed to go up to the girl in order to buy her presents until her affection towards me increases to a point to where I can ask her out. At this point, all I have to do is be nice, and that’s not hard, since all the options I need to say appear right in front of me, and it’s always obvious which one needs to be said. This means I should have no difficulty winning them over at all!

But this doesn’t explain why I’m so nervous about asking out this girl who sits next to me in class. I mean, it should be obvious what to say, right? Because whenever I talk to her, I choke up. I’ve tried hitting the gym a few times in order to increase my attractiveness stat, but it hasn’t seemed to have helped. Do you think there’s a condition I have to fulfill before I’m able to talk to her?

Ren’nai addict

Dear Ren’nai addict

Well, from your letter, it’s really obvious that you’ve been sitting in front of your computer playing porn games way too much. Could you at least spend your time going to a dating advice forum or something? There you can meet people with actual EXPERIENCE or something. This is because in reality, it is in fact you who seem to lack exp, as you seem to assume that actual options are going to appear that make sense. The harsh reality of it is that it takes practice to know exactly what to say.

What’s that? What do I suggest? I dunno, try option 3 (see above pic.)


NEXT LETTER: I'm stuck in a love triangle with myself

Get Featured in a fan letter! Email you're problems to, or post it in the comments section, and I just might respond to you!


Muse said...

I agree; option 3 is the best. I can safely say that that option will totally score you some massive points!

(Now what stat those points go into is a totally different matter...)

Gregory said...

I believe option 3 is a mistranslation. It should read "Stick it in her pooper!"

Unknown said...

I think you may be a bit too harsh with your advice, Bry. I find his choice of words to be very endearing. In any case, Ren'nai addict needs to get over his approach anxiety if he is to effectively talk to his crush. He should remain calm, take a deep breath, and just go for it. Whatever happens happens.

If he needs help on what to say to her to start a conversation, comment on something directly related to her that wouldn't come off as awkward. Commenting on her blouse and asking her where she got it may not work too well. However, if you notice she has a nice backpack or, hell, even anime characters on her notebook, comment on it.
"Hey, you have a pretty neat backpack. Where'd you get it?"
"Hey, I didn't know you were into anime. So am I! Which ones are you into?"
The trick is keeping the conversation going. If you feel the conversation is slowly coming to a halt, try and lead the topic into another one.
"My puppy could probably fit into your backpack and ride around. Do you have any pets? Why/why not?" (If you don't have a puppy, change it around a bit. Do what works for you.)

Just remember to stay calm and have fun with it. Best of luck.