In response to THIS article
There, I said it. A good deal of anime companies that are going out of business are whiners that like to complain towards deaf ears that only pretend to care. Oh yeah, sine this was regarded at a hot button issue at my last anime club meeting, I suppose I should run my twist on it.
Bang! Zoom’s big argument is that nobody is buying their DVD’s. They attempt to guilt trip fans into purchasing, but the pirates that they are trying to stomp have a much better deal: The same show, but free!
While it is true that what the pirates are doing is illegal, the risk factor is so negligible that nobody really cares. Not to mention, when a pirate gets caught, all that happens is that they get a cease and desist, they stop, and go about their merry lives. What does this do to stop piracy? NOTHING! Why would anybody choose to buy overpriced DVD’s over the negligible risk of stealing the anime in the first place? People will whine about how piracy is wrong, then go right back to their torrent hub and pirate some more.
Moaning and complaining isn’t going to stop piracy people! What will stop piracy is outsmarting the pirates, or more interestingly, hiring them. As I previously mentioned, it is entirely possible for anime companies to distribute anime for decent prices (or for free even) and still turn a profit. They do it just like with TV and with blockbuster, they just put commercials on internet streams, and release them for free, knowing commercials will pay for the cost that the anime took to produce. Studios like Funimation and Viz Media are already on this, and those studios aren’t in danger of going underwater. So what’s Bang! Zoom’s problem? They don’t get with the times!
That’s why I say the big solution to anime piracy is not to pout and moan about how the industry is dying, but to actually go to legal sites that give you anime for free and watch it there! Give them their deserved pageviews! Show them that we anime fans are willing to use legal channels to watch our favorite shows, and that we’re just too broke to buy overpriced DVDs. The industry cannot stay in its current position, the time for evolution is now!
Hence, the ONLY way to stop piracy is to put out a product that competes with what the pirates put out, which fortunately, is what Funimation and Viz do. For if pirates do the job of spreading entertainment BETTER than the people whose very jobs are on the line, why are they being paid? This is the very reason that Bang! Zoom is going under. The pirates are consistently outdoing them, while all they do is complain about stealing and tell people to buy overpriced DVD’s

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